Work Experience

  • Data Science Consultant - AVPL International (2023 - Present)
    Led a team of 5 professionals to develop soil fertility identification using airborne hyperspectral images, proposed a hybrid machine learning model that improved accuracy by 21.09% and applied Agile methodology for project management and documentation.

  • Data Scientist - Fractal Analytics (2021 - 2022)
    Implemented GANs for synthetic data generation, overcoming data scarcity & complexity while maintaining inter-data and intra-feature relationship with a performance gap of only 6%. Conducted EDA, enhanced data processing pipeline, and ensured model stability.

  • AI Research Scientist - Tessact Pvt Ltd (2021) Annotated media for TV content compliance, improved baseline model accuracy by 12%, and enhanced analytics platform with 6 new features. Leveraged ResNet50, AWS S3, and SageMaker.

  • Machine Learning Engineer - Tvarit GmbH (2019-2020)
    Reduced manufacturing scrap through algorithm development and integration with AI platform. Led project on customer segmentation and price optimization, achieving first place in the competition by European Data Incubator(EDI). Utilized Grafana for business value dashboards.

Volunteer Experience

  • AI - Machine Learning Trainer - AVPL International (2022 - 2023) Acquired Trainer certification from a government flagship program - NSDC, instructing 80-student cohort and imparted knowledge of machine learning, teamwork, work management.

  • Club President - Toastmasters International (2022)
    Led the club to achieve the Distinguished title, won International Speech Contest at regional levels, and completed all 5 levels of Presentation Mastery pathway.

  • Machine Learning Mentor - Upwork (2021) Mentored individuals for machine learning courses, guiding them in implementing projects such as multilayer perceptron construction and time-series forecasting using LSTM.

  • AI Mentor - GirlScript Foundation (2020)
    Mentored students on the machine learning project “Credit Card Fraud Detection” and delivered lectures on deep learning and neural networks algorithms.

  • Open-Source Contributor - Mozilla (2020) Contributed to Project PRESC, conducting research, experimentation, and development of machine learning classification models evaluation toolkit.

Other Projects

  • Hackathons
    • AIDL (Artificial Intelligence & Deep Learning) Unifynd: Solution for invoice and bill information extraction using semantic segmentation and text recognition techniques.
    • HumAIn TCS: NLP project for building a taxonomy using data processing techniques and algorithm selection for the best result.
  • Personal Projects
    • Multistep Timeseries Prediction: Probabilistic forecasting of a wind generating system using LSTM models.
    • Flask Projects: Speech-to-Text conversion using Google speech recognition API and License Plate Detection using OpenCV & Tesseract.

Additional Learning

  • Online Courses
    • TensorFlow in Practice (4 courses) - DeepLearning.AI
    • Nanodegree Program: Intel® Edge AI for IoT Developers - Udacity
    • Scalable Machine Learning on Big Data using Apache Spark - IBM
  • Conferences
    • Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Nashville, 2021
    • Deployable AI, Robert Bosch Center for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, IIT Madras, 2021
  • Papers
    • “AI Game BOT” - International Journal for Science and Advance Research In Technology, 6(5)
    • “Sales Prediction System using Machine Learning” - International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development


  • Programming: Python, Spark, Git, Docker, TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, AWS SageMaker, Pandas
  • Administrative: Management and planning, Communication, Public speaking
  • Hobbies: Fine arts, Graphic designing, Reading fiction novels, Baking


  • B.E. in Computer Engineering (GPA: 7.96/10.0)
    University of Mumbai—Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering
    Focused on Data Structures & Algorithms, AI/ML Applications, and Engineering Mathematics.

  • Data Science Masters Program
    Coursework in ML concepts, Industrial Application of AI, Deep Learning, NLP, and a Final Capstone Project.