As a person who does a lot of autonomous learning, the Internet in these days offer a huge amount of possibilities to read/learn about any topic you might think of. There might be more the problem of filtering out useful/good content from the nearly infinite amount of sources. Inspired by a colleague I will try to give a record of whatever I read/saw and can recommend on specific topics. I will also try to add specific links that I have already studied in the past but may help any interested reader (or myself as lookup). Most stuff will be about machine learning in general and more specific about computer vision/image classification as my master thesis is related to these topics. But from time to time I might add also some more fun related topics.

Interview Questions

Everything - basic maths, ML, DL

Topics to Study

basic machine learning algorithms - summary

Machine Learning


Deep learning

Book on DL




  • Andrej Karpathys Blog - Blog with a lot of well written articles mainly about CV and CNNs
  • CS231n - corresponding site to the CS231n course from Standford university. Each topic covered in an article.
  • UFLDL Tutorial - Unsupervised Feature Learning and Deep Learning Tutorials by Standford University
  • Understanding LSTMs - Some nice write up about LSTM-Nets by Christopher Olah




General Scientific stuff


-How to write a Scientific Paper - Talk by Simon Peyton Jones